+977- 01- 4268725, 9851081278 Bagbazar, Kathmandu



Au pair is a domestic assistant from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Au pairs are typically in search of a new cultural experience while also desiring to serve as an integral part of a parenting team. This experience usually draws Au pairs to a new country and often times involves improving on their foreign language skills. An Au pair take on a share of the family's responsibility for childcare as well as some housework, and receive a small monetary allowance for personal use. Being as an Au-pair they must be children loving, caring, playing, baby sitting etc. They must be mature, independent and positive individuals. In Europe, where the concept originated, au pairs are only supposed to work part-time, and they often also study part-time, generally focusing on the language of the host country. Germany is one of the most sought after countries by Nepalese Au pairs due to the fact that one can easily learn German language in Nepal. The attraction is further due to the fact that Germany is very safe for international students and Au pairs where it is very easy for Nepalese to integrate in the German society. Germany offers a multicultural society which is vibrant, modern and very open-minded. One can easily enjoy free-time by traveling and sightseeing and enjoy visiting world-famous museums and landscapes. Given the fact that it is in the centre of Europe, one can easily be in Paris, Madrid, London in no-time. As an Au Pair, one will have unique opportunity to live and work in Germany with friendly German host families, where one can improve his/her knowledge of German language and learn more about German culture and life-style. Therefore, if you are planning to become an Au-pair, Germany is the best country for being an Au-pair.


  1. Learn German language and pass Start Deutsch 1 Examination with good marks.
  2. Apply for family to an Au-pair agency or submit your details in our Application form.
  3. Most of the families require Au-pairs to attend skype interview or talk to Au-pairs over phone.
  4. Receive contract if your application is approved by the family
  5. Prepare for visa application.
  6. Apply for visa.
  7. Meet the requirements of Ministry of labour such as getting insurance, medical and Labor permit from Ministry of Labor.
  8. Get a Plane ticket.
  9. You are at home in Germany.

Au Pair Candidates are requested to note that we do not provide counseling and application services for Au pair in Germany. The information provided here is for public interest only and Edupark bears no liability in the event of change of regulations and other rules. For more information regarding being an Au Pair in Germany, candidates are requested to visit the following webpage: 
