1.8 million students around the world go abroad to attend a university. Nearly one tenth of those students choose to come to Germany. Germany has a lot to offer to foreign students, be they first year students or postgraduates.
Germany's universities combine age-old traditions with modern technologies. More than 300 universities are featured on Campus Germany: from time-honored institutions offering students the classical repertoire of subjects such as Medicine, Law, English and German to innovative new institutions of higher education with inter-disciplinary study programs. German universities are open to anyone who fulfills the prerequisites and academic freedom is one of the basic principles of the German university system.
German universities combine research and study. They've been the scene of many groundbreaking discoveries and they're internationally renowned. German universities attract faculty and students from around the world. Modern German universities also combine theoretical work with its practical application. They both educate and train - basic research is augmented by applied research. Interdisciplinary cooperation is common and many of them cooperate closely with multinational firms and with other research institutes in Germany and abroad. In the end, this increases the graduates' chances on the job market.
Many of today's students no longer want a purely theoretical education. A variety of universities of applied science in Germany offer balanced academic training necessary for a professional career. Practical experience in regional companies is often part of the curriculum. German companies are interested in attracting well-trained graduates from abroad. And in many cases, these former students can continue to work for the company as a foreign spokesperson once they return home.
- Germany consists of 16 states & the capital and largest city is Berlin,
- Largest Economy in the Europe,
- One of the G8 Countries in the World,
- It is a leading exporter of machinery vehicles, chemicals and household equipment and benefits from a highly skilled labor force.
- Germany produces the best car in the world.
Germany currently has more than 300 institutions of higher education that include 82 universities, 132 such institutions that offer shorter and practically oriented courses, and other institutions. Germany has a high turnout of foreign students as it offers a high range of study possibilities. German Universities offer courses in Medicine, Law, English, German, and various other disciplines. Academic freedom is one of the main characteristics of the German university system and is one of the reasons why public universities in Germany don’t charge any fee. German Universities are autonomous and provide special emphasis on research and teaching. Some of the groundbreaking discoveries that the world has seen have been the result of German Universities. This is one of the strongest reasons why students increasingly prefer Germany for research studies.
Find out all about your Opportunities!
Germany has got a lot to offer. With more than 320 institutions of Higher Education, it is one of the leading countries in the field of research, science and technology
International Exposure
Each year more than 230000 international students (12% of all the students at German Universities) go to Germany for study and research. They are attracted by international study programmes and excellent research opportunities.
High Academic Standard
The standard of higher education in Germany is first rate. The renowned tradition of German universities dates back to 14th century and ensures an outstanding level of education and research. Products of German companies, especially machine tools, motor vehicles and electrical engineering products are leading in the international market.
Practical Experience
Studying in Germany often includes interaction with industry. Close ties with companies SAP, Siemens, DPWN, Daimler-Chrysler, BMW or Bosch will increase your career prospects. Many universities in Germany give the students the opportunity to carry out research or do internship in the industry.
Economic Power
Germany is one of the world’s largest economic players- important especially for machinery, automobiles, chemicals, and electrical products as well as Information Technology. The economic cooperation between several countries is increasing and emphasizes the economic power of Germany in Asia.
Moderate Costs
Universities are state-funded, therefore, generally no tuition fees are charged. Students have to bear only their living expenses such as accommodation, food, transport and health insurance. Special discounts for various services help to make studying in Germany less expensive than one would have expected
In the heart of Europe
Germany lies in the heart of Europe- an excellent point to discover other famous European destinations. You are in London, Paris or Rome in no time.
Students have wide ranges of courses to choose from in their undergraduate level from Aerospace Engineering to Zoology. Study courses at German universities are legion and international students can hose from a variety of over 11000 different degree courses. There are many courses at undergraduate level which are taught in English medium even at government universities but entry conditions can differ and some private universities may charge heave tuition fees for courses taught in English medium. Here we would like to outline the major subject areas from which the student can choose one of their study subjects according to their interests. Students can study Bachelors and Masters level in Agriculture, Forestry, Domestic and Nutritional Sciences, Art, Music, Drama and Design, Engineering, Health Sciences, Medicine, Language Media and Cultural Studies, Law Economics and Social Sciences Mathematics, Computer and Natural Sciences.
Normally students whose qualifications are not recognized as an equivalent to German Schooling, must complete a one year preparatory course at the studienkolleg. There are almost 29 studienkollegs in Germany in different states. Some studienkollegs prepare students for one or two universities while other studienkollegs (sometimes only one in a single state) prepare students for different universities in that state. The studienkollegs for FH and Universities tend to differ slightly in their course structures and some studienkollegs serves the need of both type of students viz. those wishing to attend FH or University. The normal duration of the preparatory course is one year or two semesters. The entry requirement is B1/B2 level of German language and passing the qualifying examination known as Aufnamheprufung.
Knowing German is no longer a prerequisite for many Master's programs in Germany-especially for those that are internationally oriented. Students from abroad can learn German in the course of their studies. Universities in Germany are becoming more accessible to English-speakers. There are opportunities to study in the Land of Thinkers and Philosophers without having strong German skills when you arrive.The programs are offered in modules, and many include international component. A period abroad is often a requirement, along with the usual tests and other assignments that must be passed. Germany's transition to the Bachelor and Master system makes degrees earned in Germany easier to compare internationally, and study abroad programs have become easier to facilitate. Most Master's program aim to foster connections with the job market before the students graduate. Possible employers are often actively included in developing the programs. Students can establish contact with companies in course of their studies. Furthermore, many universities offer programs with a European focus and participating students must complete at least two semesters at a partner university in another country. Graduates of such programs may be able to receive a dual degree. At the moment there are more than 1500 degree programs taught in English at the Universities in Germany and more and more universities are planning to launch more and more courses in English medium in order to attract international students in Germany.
Undergraduate studies in Germany takes normally 3.5 years for engineering degree programs and 6 years for medical degree programs. There are huge number of courses available in Germany for undergraduate studies. A typical undergraduate studies comprises of 210 ECTS for Engineering and other programs but 10 semesters for medical degree and one year internship is compulsory for medical degree programs. Engineering and Medicine are the most sought after degree programs in Germany for most Nepalese students are interested to study either engineering or medicine or similar type of technical programs. And last but not the least economics and business management programs are also very good and offered in the best possible academic environment. Admission to undergraduate Studies in Germany needs a one-year 'bridge program' to be completed. After completion of the bridge program, students from most of the overseas countries are required to pass an assessment test in order to get admission into a German institution for the equivalent of the Bachelors degree. However, there is an exemption of taking this assessment test to students who have cleared some of the prestigious entrance examinations of their home country. This purely depends on the different guidelines followed by the respective Institutions of Germany, where the student seeks admission. Students who have successfully completed two years of undergraduate studies are also exempted from the assessment test. However, they have to prove their aptitude in the German language by taking DSH or TestDaF which will need approximately 800 hours of German language lessons. We advise students to learn as far as possible in their home countries so that they benefit in the cost that has to paid to the language school in Germany, they can be easily integrated in German society and last but not the least good German language skills are mandatory for getting admission and for visa.
The admission requirements for studying Bachelor’s degree in Germany is as follows: Good Marks in School Leaving Certificate Good Marks in Intermediate level German Language proficiency (min. Zertifikat B1) 10+2 years of schooling or A-levels are not recognized as an equivalent to German Abitur A and therefore students with these qualifications must complete a one year foundation course at the so called Studienkolleg in Germany, the requirement of which is Zertifikat B1 from Goethe Institut, Nepal. Once the students have completed B1 level of German language, they will need to appear for an entrance examination at the Studienkolleg known as Aufnamheprufung. Upon successful completion of the preparatory courses with good grades, they can start their studies in Bachelor’s degree. Some universities or studienkolleg require B2 or C1 level of German language proficiency for the entrance test. So it is essential that students learn enough German language in their home country before going to Germany as German language course at private language schools is very expensive. Given the internationalization of German universities these days, some universities also offer German language courses to prepare students for their university entrance examinations.
The admission requirements for studying Bachelor’s degree in Germany is as follows:
- Good Marks in School Leaving Certificate.
- Good Marks in Intermediate level.
- Minimum B1 grade in German Language proficiency.
Session schedule:
The academic session year is divided in two semesters i.e.
- Summer semester starts in March/April.
- Winter semester starts in September/October.
Application Deadlines
The application deadlines for summer semester semester is January 15th and for winter semester is July 15th. However, students must submit their application early enough given the amount of time required for the application processing and time required for visa application at the German Embassy In Kathmandu.
What is the requirement for admission, studying at a German University?
The basic admission requirements are first division in your Intermediate level and good German language proficiency upto Zertifikat B1 level and as far as possible students should not have gap more than one year. Students should note that Zertifikat B1 is also a requirement for visa application if you are planning for studying in Bachelor's degree in German Medium in Germany.
What is the tuition fees at the German University?
Generally there are no tuition fees in German University except a few such as the one at FH Aachen which charges tuition fees up to 16000 Euros per year and these days the number of private Studienkollegs are growing. What you have to pay at the most of the studienkollegs is the semester contribution fees.
Can I study Bachelor in English medium in Germany?
There are some courses which may allow students to study in English medium for 10+2 students. But these courses are limited and may not cater to your needs in individual subjects. We recommend you to study your bachelor degree in Germany in German medium as this will give you a very good idea of language and culture which is very useful during your internship at top-notch companies towards the end of your study period in Germany.
What is the length of undergraduate studies in Medicine?
The length of undergraduate studies in medicine in Germany is usually 6 years apart from the preparatory course studies and the language course.
Can Diploma in Engineering from CTEVT from Nepal directly study in Bachelor’s degree in Germany?
Normally the Diploma in Engineering from CTEVT is also not recognized as an equivalent to the German Schooling and hence universities before giving you admission letter will require you to complete one year foundation course. Most universities consider CTEVT Diploma as vocational courses and therefore students with these qualifications are not allowed in academic programs. However, there are separate professional schools known as Berufschule where the students can get admitted and later work in the German industry as middle managers after the completion of their Bachelor's degree.
Can I apply for Master degree in Microbiology in English Medium in Germany?
The three years Bachelor’s degree from Tribhuwan University is not recognized as an equivalent to the German Bachelor degree because of the lack of thesis in Bachelor’s degree. Even if you apply at some universities, there is a very low chance that you will get admission. I have completed my Bachelor degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering with CGPA 3.0 or above and have an overall score of 5.5 in IELTS.
What are the admission requirements for English taught Master degree in Germany?
The basic requirements for English taught Master degree programs in Germany is good marks in four years Bachelor’s degree, good English proficiency and some work experience. I have completed three years Bachelor’s degree in Business Studies from Tribhuwan University.
Can I apply for Master degree in English Medium in Germany?
Yes, you can apply for studying Master degree in Business Studies and or related subject in Germany but it is unlikely that you will get admission in the English taught Master degree program. In your case, we recommend you to complete Zertifikat Deutsch from Goethe Zentrum Kathmandu and apply for German taught Master degree program. Another alternative is you can apply for English taught Bachelor degree program if you have good marks in your Bachelor’s degree and good English proficiency scores documented by standard tests such as TOEFL/IELTS. I have completed three years Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from Tribhuwan University.
Can I apply for Master degree in Information Technology in English Medium?
Not all universities will accept your application. Most of the universities require an overall score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS. You should send us your CV, documents, work experience and research experience so that we can see further possibilities.
Can I stay in Germany after the completion of my graduate studies?
Yes, students are allowed to stay for 18 months to look for a job after the completion of their studies in Germany.
Is GRE/GMAT required for Master degree in English taught programs?
This will depend entirely on the competitiveness of the program. If the program is highly competitive and selects students by ranking the overall application, this will be required. However, if you have good scores in GRE/GMAT it will be very helpful during your application.
Our placement process is simple and easy for the students.
Step 1 : Send us your academic documents via email
Step 2 : Receive the pre-assessment information
Step 3 : Pay the initial fees if you want to proceed
Step 4 : Receive your Study permissions and payment of second installment fees and apply for visa
Step 5 : Receive visa and prepare for Germany. We shall take care of all that is required for you after your arrival in Germany.
Step 6 : You are studying in Germany
Most of the courses in Bachelor degree in Germany is in German language. Once can find almost any course in German medium. Normally Nepalese students go to study Medicine, Engineering and Business Administration and other related subjects in undergraduate level in Germany. Most universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees and even when tuition fees are charged, its 500 Euros per semester. The wide range of course availability and no tuition fees at the finest universities makes Germany an ideal destination for study for Nepalese students. The benefits of studying a degree course in German language in Germany is tremendous. The first and foremost thing is that students get to know much about the German language and culture in Germany and the next thing is the choice of programs of study in Germany in Bachelor’s degree. Furthermore, at the end of their study, if students have good knowledge of German language or if they are studying in a German medium program, they can choose to do their internship at one of the finest companies and in Germany’s best industries. Besides all these things, students have higher chances of finding part time jobs given their language skills is good enough. After the completion of undergraduate studies in German medium, one has higher chances of getting employment in one of the German companies in Germany or after returning to Nepal because these days employers seek candidates who not only know English but also other European languages. Besides, these students can also work for German companies based in any country after the completion of their studies in Germany.
Now-a-days German universities have started offering Bachelor’s degree in English Medium also. But still there are only a few courses where the students can study in English and these courses are often in the smaller and newer universities and still there are regulations regarding the admission such as whether the intermediate level of education is recognized by the universities as an equivalent to the German Abitur or not. For Bachelor in English medium the university might take some certain fees. There are scholarships available but as a rule of the thumb the number of scholarships are always far less than the number of scholarship applicants. At the government universities, the tuition fees are low and the requirements are normal but there is difficulty in getting admission because the intermediate education are not recognized as an equivalent to the German Abitur. And still if you are able to get admission in English medium program in bachelor’s degree you will still have to study German language parallel to the academic studies because of the requirement of the Internship in the end semesters. In some programs, the medium of instruction is limited to the 4th semester only and in the fifth and sixth semester, the students will have to follow lectures in German.
Germany offers courses of medicine and dentistry a broad selection of first-rate universities. Among these are large schools, such as Munich or Berlin, but also smaller ones, like Greifswald and Essen. There are old schools with long traditions, as in Heidelberg and Göttingen, and newer institutions, such as Dusseldorf and Regensburg. This diversity is, without a doubt, an enormous asset and underscored even more so by the fact that all of these schools ensure an education at the highest level. Studying medicine in Germany generally takes a little more than six years. The initial, basic studies program lasts four semesters with an emphasis on the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) and the fundamentals of medicine (physiology, biochemistry, anatomy). This first phase ends with a state-administered medical examination. With the successful completion of this phase, the student moves on to the main, six-semester course of study in core areas of medicine that includes lecture, seminar and laboratory work. This is followed by a 48-week practical training period in a clinic or hospital, known as the "practical year", focusing on surgery, internal medicine and an elected subject chosen by the student. This segment ends with the second medical exam and can be followed by training to become a specialist; for example, in ophthalmology, surgery, or neurology. Depending on the specialty, this can take between four and six years and ends with the specialist examination conducted by the medical association. For a career in dentistry, the prospective student must complete a regular course of study which last ten semesters, plus an additional six months. Following a five-semester pre-clinical phase, which focuses on the natural sciences, medicine and dental materials, the student must successfully complete his or her preliminary dentistry examination. This is followed by another five semesters of clinical study, including lectures, seminars and practical training, to further perfect the student's medical knowledge and dentistry skills. A degree in dentistry is awarded upon the successful completion of the second state-administered dentistry examination. This may be followed by further specialist training in oral surgery, orthodontics, or public health, which can last between three and four years. Whether you ultimately decide to pursue a career in medicine or dentistry – with or without additional specialist training – the decision to study in Germany is always the right choice.
Engineers not only invent new products, they also control the safety of their applications. Awareness of consumer protection and environmental safety nowadays are integrated competencies of engineering qualifications. Ongoing industrialization, the globalization of business, the expansion of information technology, the use of new materials and the enormous increase in the world population are a continuous challenge to the world of engineering, which is committed to maintaining the standard of living in technically developed countries and to increasing the standard of living in less developed countries. Engineers of the future have an explicit interdisciplinary inclination. They communicate and cooperate with biologists, geologists, doctors and sociologists, always considering the interdependence of the areas, and refer to this in their actions. This requires considerable social skills, including the prowess for understanding people who speak other languages and are of different cultures. There is a specific need for the engineer who creates new work areas by going beyond the limits of existing technology. Some might even start up a new enterprise. The qualification of such engineers is not determined by contemporary professional practice. The engineer of the future is a personality highly aware of the necessity of continuous personal development and lifelong learning.